Germany, Westpreussen, kr Dirschau, Dirschau

Polska register:

No. fond No. title of Fond dates
6 2894 0 Akta urzedów administracji rolnej-zbiór szczatków zespolów 1915-1939 more
10 50 0 Królewski Urzad Domenalno-Rentowy w Tczewie 1809-1873 more
10 86 0 Urzad Budownictwa Wodnego w Tczewie 1861-1920 [1941] more
10 103 0 Sad Obwodowy w Tczewie [1772-1878] 1879-1944 [-2004] more
10 104 0 Sad Obwodowy w Tczewie 1772-1945 more
10 143 0 Inspektorat Szkolny w Tczewie 1816-1944 more
10 1229 0 Bank Ludowy w Tczewie (1903-) 1942-1945 more
10 1443 0 Akta stanu cywilnego parafii katolickiej Tczew 1838-1874 more
10 1490 0 Akta stanu cywilnego parafii ewangelickiej Tczew 1797-1874 more
10 1633 0 Starostwo Powiatowe w Tczewie 1940-1945 more

Records found in the PRADZIAD database: 15
town denomination type of record dates
Tczew dysydenci malzenstwa 1851-1874 more
Tczew dysydenci urodzenia 1851-1874 more
Tczew dysydenci zgony 1854-1874 more
Tczew ewangelicko-augsburskie malzenstwa 1797-1874 more
Tczew ewangelicko-augsburskie urodzenia 1797-1874 more
Tczew ewangelicko-augsburskie zgony 1797-1874 more
Tczew mojzeszowe malzenstwa 1828-1874 more
Tczew mojzeszowe urodzenia 1828-1874, 1897 more
Tczew mojzeszowe zgony 1828-1874 more
Tczew rzymskokatolickie malzenstwa 1838-1846, 1848-1851,
1853-1874 more
Tczew rzymskokatolickie urodzenia 1838-1851, 1853-1874 more
Tczew rzymskokatolickie zgony 1838-1874 more
Tczew urzad stanu cywilnego malzenstwa 1874-1891, 1893-1907 more
Tczew urzad stanu cywilnego urodzenia 1874-1902, 1903 (koncówka
roku), 1904 (od konca
czerwca), 1905-1907 more
Tczew urzad stanu cywilnego zgony 1874-1907 more

sygnatura: 10/9/0/5
tytul i daty: Auswanderungen aus dem Kreise Dirschau.; 1887-1919
hasla indeksu: Gdansk; Rejencja w Gdansku
opis: dokumentacja aktowa; ; ; poszyt; stan dobry; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; -; -;


Idag Polen, Gdanskie, Tczew

Longitude 54,06 Latitude 18,48

The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People hade några document från denna stad.

Centrum Judaicum Berlin Archiv hade INTE document från denna stad.

Mellan 1828 - 1837 förrättar David Wronski vigslarna
Mellan 1838 - 1840 förrättar Simon Kantozowicz vigslarna
Mellan 1841 - 1849 förrättar kantor Wertheim Danziger vigslarna


Today Poland, Gdanskie, Tczew

Longitude 54,06 Latitude 18,48

The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People had some documents from this town.

Centrum Judaicum Berlin Archiv did NOT have any documents from this town.

Between 1828 to 1837 David Wronski marriage people
Between 1838 - 1840 Simon Kantozowicz marriage people
Between 1841 - 1849 cantor Wertheim Danziger marriage people


Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in den Archiven der neuen Bundeslaender" Band 5 of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz Teil II. The publisher is K.G.Saur (ISBN 3-598-22445-1). Inget om Dirschau, Rosenberg eller Goldschmidt.


Jewish cementry:

TCZEW (I): US Commission No. POCE000006
Alternate German name: Dirschau. Tczew is located in Gdansk at 54ð50 18ð47, 33km from Gdansk and 18 km from Starogardu Gdanskiego. The cemetery is located at ul. Baldowska, teren dawnej osady Czyzykowo. Present population is 25,000-100,000 people with fewer than 10 Jews.

Town: Prezydent Miasta, Urzad Miasta,Pl. Grunwaldzki 1, 83-100 Tczew, tel. 31-31-20 centrala.

Regional: Wojewodzki Konserwator Zabytkow, ul. Kotwicznikow 20, 80-881 Gdansk, tel. 31-62-67, 31-62-68 centrala.

Local: Regionalny Osrodek Studiow i Ochrony Srodowiska Kulturowego, ul. Sw. Trojcy 5, 80-822 Gdansk, Tel. 31-77-12, 31-75-22 Centrala.

Interested: Dr. Hanna Domanska, ul. Wladyslawa IV 34/3,81-742 Sopot, Tel. 51-04-22.

The earliest known Jewish community was about 1786. 1931 Jewish population was 103. Effecting the Jewish Community was the ban on permanent settlement in 1309; the settling of Jews in town after 1772; building of a house of prayer in 1786; the building of a synagogue in 1835; the rabbinate until 1914; emigration between 1920 and 1933; and extermination in 1939. Rabin Jakub Caro lived here and is buried in the cemetery. The Progressive/Reform cemetery was probably established in the 19th century. Landmark: a landmark in the master plan of the city. The isolated rural flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall or gate. The approximate size of cemetery, both before WWII and now, is 0.23 hectares. Fewer than 20 gravestones, all in original positions and less than 25% broken or toppled, date from the 19th century. The granite flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew inscriptions. The cemetery contains no known mass graves or structures. The municipality owns site used for agriculture. Properties adjacent are agricultural. The cemetery boundaries remain the same since 1939. Rarely, local residents stop. It was vandalized during World War II, but not in the last ten years. There has been no maintenance. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem that prevents access. Security, weather erosion, pollution, vegetation, vandalism, extant incompatible nearly development, and planned or proposed incompatible development are all serious threats (next to a heavily used road).
Dr. Hanna Domanska, ul. Wladyslawa IV 34/3,81-742 Sopot, Tel. 51-04-22 completed survey on 24/07/1991. Documentation: cemetery card and H. Damanska's text, The Tree of Stone Tears; The Jewish Communities of the Gdansk Vovoidship; Their History and Culture (Gdansk, 1991).
TCZEW (II): US Commission No. POCE000014
See Tczew I for town information. The Progressive/ Reform cemetery is located at ul. Baldowska, teren dawnej osady Czyzykowo. The unlandmarked cemetery was established around 1786. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall fence or gate. The size before WWII was.90 ha., but it was liquidated in 1974. There are no stones. It was vandalized during WWII but not in the last 10 years.
Dr. Hanna Domanska (see above) completed survey. Documentation: the archives of Voivodship Conservator, and see also Gdansk-Chelm.
TCZEW (III): US Commission No. POCE000015
See Tczew I for town information. The Progressive/Reform cemetery was established in the 19th or 20th century with last known burial 1918. Landmark: a landmark in the master plan of the city. The urban flat land, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall or gate. The approximate size of the cemetery before WWII was 1.30 hectares; it is now 0.30 hectares. The decrease in size results from commercial or industrial development. No gravestones are visible or structures. Municipality owns site used for recreational and industrial use. Properties adjacent are commercial or industrial. The cemetery is visited rarely. The cemetery was vandalized during World War II, but not in the last ten years. The cemetery faces serious threats from pollution and incompatible nearby extant development (Adjacent property is the CPN filling station).
Dr. Hanna Domanska (see above) completed survey on 30/07/1991 using the card of the