Personal Record Pedigree Chart

1261 Herbert David Grupe (Roos)

Was at most 45 years.

Father:1256 Herbert Carl Jr Roos (1925 - 1992)
Mother:1257 Frances Luella Taylor (1921 - 1985)

Born:1950-10-13 1)
Adopted:about 1953 1)
Namnbyte:about 1953 1)
Dead:1996-02 1)


Rick and David Grupe were born Kinsey Paul Roos and Herbert David Roos. They were children of Herbert Carl Roos Jr. and his first wife Frances Luella Taylor.When their marriage broke up the boys were adopted by a family surnamed Grupe. Their names were changed to Rick and David Grupe (Philip Roos 2010-02-14)


1)Philip Roos